Tuesday , 30 March 2010,
Washington: Indian and chinese have been going ahead in competition with their American counterparts by their sheer hard work although though they are not smarter than the latter, a top Obama administration official had said, reported by Business Standard.
"We are simply being out-competed by children in India and China. They are not smarter than our children. They are just working harder," Education Secretary Arne Duncan told the MSNBC television in an interview on 28th Jan . "I have argued very clearly, and so has the President, that our school day is too short, our school week is too short, our school year is too short."
Indian and Chinese students go at least 30 to 40 extra days to schools annually than their American counterparts. "It is very well documented that certain children get to a certain point in June, thanks to the hard work of their teachers, and because nothing is going on during the summer, they come back to us in September further behind than where they left. That is heartbreaking. We have to stop that," Duncan said, while thinking of granting more time and resources for students.
The Education secretary told the press that all the students need to improve .The principals and teachers make a vast difference in student’s life and hence they need to apply extra effort or pull them along .
May be they are right.